
Tags: Water Resources & Environmental

Essential requirements you must follow when building sediment basins:

Sediment basins play a crucial role in controlling construction site stormwater runoff? They are temporary engineered structures designed to capture sediment before it’s discharged, ensuring cleaner waterways. Let’s dive deeper into how they work! 

🔍 Description:

Sediment basins consist of several key components. An embankment is built across a drainageway or a storage area is excavated, forming a sediment storage pool. The basin also includes a permanent pool of water for better settling efficiency. A sediment forebay aids in maintenance, while spillway systems and outlet protection ensure controlled runoff.

📝 TN Requirements:

For drainage areas of 10 acres or more, a temporary sediment basin is mandatory. It must provide storage and a spillway system for runoff from a 2-year, 24-hour storm per drained acre. Impaired and high-quality waters require basins for 5-acre drainage areas, designed to handle volume from a 5-year, 24-hour storm. Sediment basins in these cases must incorporate a permanent pool and maintain natural color harmony with receiving streams.

⚠️ Limitations:

Sediment basins should be designed by qualified professionals like engineers or landscape architects. Adequate settling requires larger surface areas for sediment storage, often following a 4:1 length to width ratio.

🔧 Maintenance:

Site selection should consider ease of cleanout and spoil disposal. Regular maintenance ensures the basins continue to function optimally and uphold environmental standards.

Together, we can safeguard our waterways during construction activities! Let’s make a positive impact by implementing sediment basins.